Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012


Hello ! My name is Chairiyah Ari Anggraini. You can call me Ari. I was born at 14th September 1997. Now I live in Jogja, one of cultural cities in Indonesia. My hobbies are drawing and swimming.
Some people say that my draw is very good, but in my opinion it is ordinary, because I have some friends  that could draw better than me. I like reading comics and novel too. In future, I want to be a doctor, because I like to help others.
You may know me from my physical appearance. I have a pointed nose, thick lips, brown skin, and mole above my lips. Since 3 years ago, I wore glasses, because of minus eyes.
I’ve got something to tell. This is my experience of cycling. When I was a kid, I wanted to learn to ride bicycle. At first I was a little nervous, because my fear of falling, but I was trying to overcome that fear. Once I exercise, I began to do so. I felt happy. But one day, I fell of my bike. Then I cried. My knees hurt. Since then, I could ride well. It really made me feel happy.
I’d like to have friends, maybe anyone would like to comment, whether it’s about me or the other.
My daily life start in the morning. I wake up at 5 a.m. sometimes I can’t wake up early, so I need an alarm to wake me up. Then I pray Subuh. If I’ve to go to school, I will prepare it. But, if it is holiday, I will go to sleep again. In the afternoon, after I change clothes, I help my mom cook some food for our lunch & dinner. After that, my parents and I pray Dzuhur, and have lunch ! then I take a nap for 2 hours maybe.
After wake up, I pray Ashar and watch TV . I like Asian drama or film. At 6 p.m. I pray Maghrib and read Al-Qur’an. After that I have dinner and pray Isya. I usually sleep at 9 or 10 p.m. and more than 10 p.m. if it is holiday. Before sleeping, I don’t forget to pray.